Archives July 2022

Mac Paint Potter och Färger

Idag ska jag sväka min samling av Mac Paint Potter och färger. De är en viktig del av min dagliga ögonmakeup. Mina lock är ganska fet och efter år av rättegång och fel, har jag äntligen bosatt sig på det faktum att jag behöver både en primer och en kräm ögonskuggbas för att skapa en duk för mina pulverögskuggor. Mac målar krukor är händerna ner, en av de bästa kräm ögonskuggorna på marknaden. De hjälper till att förhindra veckning, kan bäras en ensam färg, och de torkar inte så snabbt i krukorna jämfört med andra på marknaden (maybelline färg tatueringar, jag tittar på dig!)

Mac Paint Potter ($ 26) består av 5g produkt och finns i glasburkar, medan färgen (även $ 26) är i klämrören och består av 6,5 g produkt.

Jag äger 8 färgkrukor och 4 färger. Jag bör nämna att Mac brukade bara ha målar i metallrören (som riktiga färgrör) innan de lanserade potten versionen av dem. Jag älskar också målar, men metallrören är lite av smärta i baksidan eftersom de skulle spruta ut en massa produkt så snart locket öppnades (inget skämt, jag gick tillbaka till Mac-butiken en gång för att byta ut ett rör och Jag visade hur röret bara gushing produkt ut, slösa det. SA bestämde sig för att öppna några rör för att se om de gjorde samma sak och de gjorde det här – i slutändan kände hon sig inte rätt utbyte för en annan defekt rör så hon återbetalade mina pengar). Jag misstänker att Mac så småningom kommer att fasa färger – det finns bara några nyanser som erbjuds längre. Förpackningsproblem åt sidan, färger är mer blandningsbara jämfört med färgkrukor – och de torkar inte ut i rören.

Måla krukor – Majoriteten av mig var de ursprungliga färgkrukorna innan de döptes till Pro Longwear Paint Potter. Några av min samling är begränsad utgåva (ledsen!) – Alla beskrivningar från Mac.

Mjuk ocher – gul beige (min är 7 år gammal – jag köpte det här när den först lanserades 2008 och konsistensen är för torr för att använda längre – det går tillbaka till Mac, titta på den posten som kommer upp i veckan!)
Målare – Naken Beige

Nubile – Light Peachy Naken (Le från Chic Paradise Collection 2011 – Jag föredrar faktiskt detta att måla eftersom det har en liten glans och konsistensen är mer blandbar.)
Utrustigt blir – krämig beige (le från stroke av midnatt naken ögonväska 2013 – det här är i pro longwear-formeln)

Skräddarsydd grå – dämpad grå (Pro Longwear Formel)
Groundwork – Mid-Tone Neutral Taupe

Ganska naturlig – smutsig chokladbrun
Eclair – lätt choklad med guldpärla (pro longwear formel – le från bakning skönhet samling 2013 – det här är något liknande den permanenta skuggkonstruktionen som är något mörkare och mer lummel)

Färger – tyvärr är ingen av de färger jag äger tillgängliga längre. Jag håller mening att hämta bambom och sublim natur innan dessa blir avbrutna!

Magrittes – smutsig senap
Snapshot – Grå Taupe
Naturalism – varm brun
Artjam – Metallisk rödbrun

För att hålla färgkrukorna fräscha, jag har läst att de antar att de lagras upp och ner men jag tror verkligen inte att det gör mycket av skillnad. Jag lagrar mig upp och ner så att det är lättare att se namn och färger genom glaset. Och det är självklart absolut nödvändigt att locken är skruvas fast efter varje användning.

To apply cream shadow products, I use my ring finger and sometimes blend the edges slightly with a synthetic brush. My favourite MAC paint Pots / Paints from my collection are Groundwork, Eclair, Nubile and Artjam. Are you a MAC paint Pots / Paints fan?  What shades are your favourite?

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Miscellaneous makeup PurgeYou may recall that last year I did an epic makeup purge! And earlier this year I posted a base makeup and a lip product purge – the common theme on those 2 product categories is that they’re liquid items, with usually shorter lifespan than powders. Idag har jag en …
21 juli 2016in “Skönhet”

MAC Purchases: Brushes, Eye Shadows…I couldn’t resist getting some MAC goodies while on lunch break last week. Some might think this is rather boring, a bunch of brushes, a few eye shadows and an eye cream…. but you know how I love brushes! 😛 137 long Blending brush I told you I had to get a…
January 21, 2016In “Beauty”

Back to MAC suggestionsI’ve collected 6 MAC items to return to MAC!  They’re not all empties – most of them are expired products or items that just didn’t work for me. For those of you may not be familiar with the program, this is what MAC’s site states: because we share your commitment to…
20 augusti 2015in “Skönhet”

Trash Stash: December 2015

It’s the final trash stash of 2015! I`ve got quite a bit of stuff this month:

I still remember my first Empties (before it was renamed to trash Stash) – oh how time flies!

Cake charm Lemon Chiffon supreme Body Mousse – $13 for 1 litre
This bad young boy lasted me five months! The scent is amazing – the ideal blend of tarte lemon with a hint of sweet vanilla cake. I found this at Marshalls and sadly it’s discontinued. I highly recommend this if you ever come across it at Marshalls or Winners (TJ Maxx)!
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Maybe (if I can find it again)

Dial Vitamin increase Oil Infused Body Wash – $7 for 473ml (drugstores)
I got this in the Back to school teen Pack. It was good but didn`t wow me. The gel smells like a subtle citrus scent and lathers up decently. My skin felt sufficiently moisturized but I couldn’t tell this product was oil infused.
Stash Wortiness: 6/10 Återköp: Nej

Bliss incredible Foaming face wash – $28 for 200ml (Sephora)
I got this during a Black Friday sale so I only paid $12 for it. I first tried this face wash at a hotel and really delighted in it. It’s a gentle foaming gel cleanser with little exfoliating beads in it (no plastic microbeads!) and makes the skin feel cleansed but not stripped. I use this in the mornings in the shower and this bottle lasted me 4 months.
Stash Wortiness: 8/10 Återköp: Ja

Johnson’s Head-to-toe baby wash – $8 for 444ml (drugstores)
I use this to clean my makeup brushes. It’s the best no-fuss gentle cleanser for makeup brushes that I use powder products with.  I don’t find it effective enough to remove foundation or gel liners from brushes though. I love that it deep cleans but doesn’t make my natural haired bristles feel overly dried out and frizzy.
Stash Wortiness: 9/10 Återköp: Ja

Mary Kay TimeWise Replenishing Serum+C – $65 for 44ml (Mary Kay representative or online)
It’s taken me much more than a year to finish this because I only use it on my forehead where I find it makes the most difference. Also, I can’t use this nightly because it causes little bumps on my skin if I use it continuously. But, on the nights I do use this, I find my skin looks brightened and fine lines are reduced. It’s a good lightweight serum that absorbs quickly. I also appreciate the vacuum pump packaging with the see-through indicator to show much is left.
Stash Wortiness: 7/10 Återköp: Kanske

Consonant Skincare Ultra Moisturizing organic face cream – $54 for 50ml (Consonant stores and online)
This product has grown on me. At first I wasn’t sure if I liked it primarily because of the smell – one of the claims of this all natural Canadian brand is that they do not add fragrance to their products – however, the natural scent of the ingredients do come through. this one has an herbal / medicinal smell that I’m told is primarily due to olive oil. It took some getting used to (I used to hold my breath to apply this and the smell would dissipate). but this cream has a fantastic texture that’s not too greasy and absorbs into my skin so well. It also works underneath any foundation I pair it with. Lastly, the ingredient list is amazing, besides natural ingredients, there’s also the inclusion of much more ‘sophisticated’ ingredients like Niacinamide and  Panax Ginseng root Extract. This bottle lasted me 3 months.
Stash Wortiness: 9/10 Återköp: Ja

Saje rose Hydrating Euphoric mist – $14.95 for 100ml (Saje stores and online)
This was a really good refreshing mist but really not as hydrating as others I’ve used because it’s really just water with rose oil added. I could probably diy this. The awesome glass bottle and spray nozzle (super fine mist!) will be repurposed.
Stash Wortiness: 7/10 Återköp: Kanske

Creation’s garden pH Water Spray – $10 for 177ml (drugstores)
Who knew that water can expire? I ran out of the Saje rose water mid-way through the month so I pulled this out to use and it smelled off – like mouldy water. I checked the bottle and apparently it expired April 2014. No wonder it was in the clearance bin at Rexall! The ingredients are really limited (water and sodium chlorite which is like a bleach!) and I did use it a few times before it went bad – it’s a pretty unremarkable product and I primarily bought it to dampen foundation brushes for blending foundations.
Stash worthiness: 6/10     Repurchase: No

Curl Keeper – $17 for 250ml (salons / online)
Another one bites the dust. They changed the label design of this – I kind of dig the old design better. Whatever, the product inside is liquid GOLD, I tell you!
Stash Wortiness: 10/10 Återköp: Ja

Kiehl’s Superbly efficient Anti-Perspirant and Deodorant – $18 for 50ml (Kiehl’s stores and online)
In January I’m embarking on a journey to switch from antiperspirants to deodorants. Back in November I attempted to make the switch but I rapidly reverted back to my trusty antiperspirants. I found this half-used tube of Kiehl’s from the summer, which I love – it’s an odourless cream that’s very gentle and doesn’t leave a waxy white residue on the skin or clothes. The name also doesn’t lie – it really is very efficient – no smells, no wetness.  But it also includes aluminum. I’ll chronicle my trials with the switch from antiperspirant to deodorant here on the blog!
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: Maybe (depending on how my switch goes!)

Lise Watier 24hrs Glam Mascara – $24 for 4g (Rexall and online)
I’m going to call this one of the much more disappointing products of 2015! I heard so numerous positive things about this mascara but it just did not deliver. Yes, it does last very well on the lashes, but it barely added any volume to my lashes. It did add some length but certainly not a “glam” effect. the worst thing about this mascara is that it uncurled my lashes, making them droop.  I’d call this a hybrid tubing / waterproof mascara – it doesn’t soak off with warm water but when using a waterproof eye makeup remover, the mascara flakes off in little bits.  I received this full size tube as a gwp so it wasn’t as bad as if I’d purchased it.
Stash Wortiness: 3/10 Återköp: Nej

Etude house Dr. Mascara Fixer volume Up – $9 for 6ml (online)
The lash base is freakin amazing! It keeps my lashes curled and my mascaras from smudging. It’s firmly my new HG mascara base and replaced the Shiseido version for me simply due to the fact that it performs the same as the Shiseido but is $16 cheaper! I just love finding less expensive alternatives that carry out the same (or in some cases outperform) the higher end versions.
Stash Wortiness: 10/10 Återköp: Ja

Mira Charcoal Konjac charm Sponge – $7 (Winners)
No, this isn’t a lump of coal I received in my Christmas stocking! This konjac sponge was decent, but it wasn’t as spongy as the face shop one, and I didn’t find that it lathered my face wash as well. I didn’t notice any difference in performance with the charcoal version vs the regular white ones. now that face shop seems to have theirs back in stock, I don’t have to resort to purchasing random ones that I find at Winners!
Stash Wortiness: 6/10 Återköp: Nej

Witchcraft rock hard nail Hardener – $15 for 10ml (drugstores)
This brand and packaging has 1980’s written all over it. I first discovered this in the 90’s when one of my classmates swore by it and how it made her nails grow (back then I was a nail biter!) so I tried it and was hooked. It really did help my nails to peel and break less. But, this bottle is the last of a dying breed. It’s the old formulation that contains formaldehyde (and stinks to high heavens!) I’m all for going 5-free, but for a nail hardener, the inclusion of formaldehyde is kind of a should (read this blog entry for the explanation). I’ve started using Orly Nailtrition as my nail strengthener now.
Stash worthiness: 9/10     Repurchase: No (reformulated)

Slatkin & Co. Twisted peppermint 3-wick candle – $25 for 411g (Bath & Body works stores)
I finished my first ever 3-wick candle! No exaggeration, I’ve had this candle for at least 5 years! I’d discussed before that I have a strange worry about burning candles (oxygen depletion) but at the end of November there were some unwelcomed smells from our condo hallways (ahem Mary Jane ahem) that I needed to mask so I resorted to burning this ljus. I only burned it about an hour at a time but I concerned quite delight in burning the candle – it smells like peppermint with a hint of vanilla sweetness. All through December I burned this candle an hour each time and it was manageable and I didn’t feel like I was burning up all the oxygen in the room! and thank goodness the hallway odour is also gone! I believe Twisted peppermint is a seasonal scent that BBW brings back each holiday season.
Stash Wortiness: 9/10 Återköp: Ja

Samples / travel size

Thann aromatic wood Aromatherapy shower Gel – got this from a hotel and it’s nice. A bit musky but not overwhelming.
Vaseline total moisture lotion – stole this from the B&B we stayed at in Newfoundland. Det var verkligen trevligt! I would consider getting the full size of this
Clarins men Shampoo & shower – this was a gwp and smells like men’s cologne. I didn’t use this in my hair because that’s just silly. As a body wash it was fine – I wouldn’t seek this out to purchase in the full size.
The Body shop Fuji green Tea Body Butter – the Body shop store was giving these out before the holidays and I was thrilled to try this new scent. but it was quite disappointing! It was very synthetic smelling and the hydration wasn’t all that intense compared to other body butters I’ve used.

And that’s all for trash stash 2015! Tomorrow I’ll be doing a summary of all my empties for the year!

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Trash Stash: November 2016 I början av varje månad, tänker jag på mig själv, “Den här månaden kommer jag förmodligen inte att ha alltför många tömningar, jag kan ha 2 eller 3 max”. Sedan runt den tredje veckan i månaden, är jag plötsligt inför en väska full av tömningar. Gissa. Jag avslutade några stora …
5 december 2016in “Skönhet”

Trash Stash: Augusti 2015last månad var en doozy för tömningar, jag har ingen aning om hur jag gick igenom så mycket: Låt oss komma igång! Fullständiga saker Shiseido Refining Makeup Primer – $ 35 för 30ml (varuhus och online) Jag gjorde en översyn av detta tidigare och det är min häftiga ansiktsprimer. Jag använder inte det varje …
3 september 2015in “Skönhet”

Trash stash: Januari 2016lots av hår och hudvård tömmer för att sparka året: Jag borde nämna här att jag måste tvätta mitt hår varje dag eller annars blir det verkligen limpt. Jag har börjat hoppa över en dag i veckan – vanligtvis söndagar när det inte spelar någon roll om jag bara knyter min …
31 januari 2016in “Skönhet”

Lip Stuff Stock

När jag lägger ut alla mina läppprodukter som förberedelse för fotografering i dagens inlägg frågar barnet mig, “Vad är funktionen för alla dessa bilder?”
“De ska visa hela min samling på bloggen.” Jag svarar.
“Så det är som … smink porr?” han frågar.
“JAPP! Du har det!”

Min läppbestånd är sannolikt det minst intressanta för alla mina stashes – majoriteten av mina läppprodukter kan i form i en ram:

Jag är bara inte det i läppstift. Jag känner starka färger passar inte mitt ansikte. Jag är också inte i matta strukturer eller glimmer, eller överdrivet blankt fullbordar – så det lämnar mig med ett relativt smalt band av komfortzon, som du ser i min stash. såväl som jag bara äger 5 Mac läppstift! (varav 3 är pensionerade) det är ganska litet i jämförelse med min ögonskugga Stock (600+) eller nagellack Stock (400+) som sagt, jag har samlat en hel del läppbalsam och smör mutters.

Jag håller huvuddelen av mina läppstift i en stor låda (under mina rodnader samt ögonskuggor – läppstiften förstår var de står med mig!)

Jag har också några akryl kuber där jag lagrar min mycket oftare utnyttjade tonade läppbalmer:

På läppstash:

Mac Lippies – Jag använder bara 2 på det mycket idealiska (L till R: Twig, Peachstock, bedårande ster, kosmo och mystisk).

3 C.O. Bigelow Tubes till vänster är min HG Night Time Lip Balms!

Den ugglan är en läppbalsam! En gåva från en vän.

Detta är eos i deras naturliga livsmiljö – jag publicerade om dem på påsken. Den Apple One är Bath & Body Works ‘version av EOS – det är inte extremt bra.

Jag skulle ange att åtminstone en fjärdedel av min läppbestånd är slated att kastas ut Med!) Jag har avsatt många av dessa som ska presenteras i en framtida “rening” -post. Jag är också generad att säga att ja, några av dessa läppstift är utan tvekan oanvända såväl som otroliga. Jag misslyckades med att komma ihåg om dem! Om du har någon typ av bekymmer om vilken typ av produkter som visas, känner du dig gratis för att fråga i kommentarerna.

Är du en läppstift fiend? Vilka formler / nyanser kan du föreslå mig?

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PP12: Guerlain Rouge G Läppstift i Garancethis är den sista av mina upptagningsartiklar för jobbpanel. Jag kommer tillbaka i synkronisering nästa måndag. 🙂 Idag tar jag en bättre titt på en produkt som har gjort några framträdanden på bloggen innan men aldrig hade sin egen limpljus – Guerlain Rouge G läppstift i …
13 oktober 2016in “Skönhet”

Blogmas Day 1: Red & Greentoday Jag är extatisk för att avslöja lanseringen av min allra första Blogmas! Ingrid av Curly.Spring.Blossom kom upp med det här konceptet och frågade om jag skulle vara intresserad! Så, Ingrid, Kily of Hey Dey Kaily, Sharon Sharon Appeal Prime och mig själv (vi kallar oss själva Babéerna i Blogland) kommer att skickas 25 på varandra följande dagar för semesterperioden. Våra blogmor kommer att vara …
1 december 2015in “Skönhet”

Lip product Purge of 2016For somebody who’s a self-professed NON-lipstick junkie… I seem to own a great deal of lip products.  And all of us understand that lipsticks don’t have a long lifespan – really, one must be tossing lip products about 18 months after opening.  I’m guilty of keeping mine for MUCH longer than 18 months!…
February 17, 2016In “Beauty”

Beauty tools identify

I nearly renamed this identify to “Tool Time Tag” – any individual keep in mind the show house Improvement? I was identified for this very first by Joy, as well as then by Shareen. Tack!

• identify as much as 5 people & let them understand you identified them.
• listing what you want. If you got three things that are amazing or twenty… Don’t care, just share.
• Cannot be actual makeup, skin care, or hair care products – just the tools/gadgets you use.

You may have gathered that I like appeal tools; at last count, I have 202 eye brushes as well as 126 deal with brushes (I did a clean stock publish a while back here).  I’ll try my finest to listing products that are not discontinued!

MAQuillAGE Eyelash Curler as well as Shishida Seishindo metallic Mascara Comb
I pointed out these 2 products in my Lash Week Curler, Comb, etc. post.  The curler is the best shape for my eyes. as well as the lash comb is important for combing out any type of mascara clumps.  I utilize these 2 products daily.

Anna Sui brow spoolie
Not all spoolies are produced equal! I meant by now it must not be a surprise that I tried a big number of eye brow spoolies? Of all the ones I’ve tried, the Anna Sui is the softest as well as has the fullest bristles.  I may or may not have stocked up on 5 of these when I saw them selling for $4 at Marshalls (vs the routine $11).  Spoolies do have a shelf life considering that the cable holding the bristles will weaken over time, as well as ultimately break at the stem.

Shu Uemura natural clean 10
MAC 217 Blending Brush
Sephora pro crease clean #10
I’ve provided my favourites out of the 3 crucial eye shadow clean shapes that I believe everybody must own: a flat lay down, a fluffy blending, as well as a domed crease.  I utilize the flat clean to pack on colour on the lid, then utilize a fluffy blending to diffuse the colours, then a crease clean to blend the edges.

The Shu Uemura clean picks up product extremely well, as well as it has kept its shape with lots of years of utilize – I have a couple of these.  I don’t requirement to state much about the MAC 217 considering that it’s a cult much-loved – I own just 1 of the genuine thing however about half lots of the dupes ranging from Coastal Scents to Sedona lace to Trish McEvoy.  The Sephora crease clean was a surprise hit – the shape as well as size of this is best for my smaller crease as well as its natural hairs blend out powders extremely well.  Even if you don’t get these precise brushes, these fundamental shapes are important in everyone’s makeup kit.

Body shop Kabuki Brushes (L to R: blusher, foundation, bronzer, slanted)
I started out with the original Nature’s Minerals blusher clean which I discovered in the clearance section for $5. I liked it as well as went back for the larger size (second from left), as well as the slanted kabuki (right). These kabuki brushes are made from synthetic bristles – they’re super soft as well as extremely dense.  They apply my completing powder evenly as well as assists to get rid of any type of foundation streaks or patchiness. The outer 2 sizes are now discontinued as well as they’re my favourite! The bronzer clean is my least much-loved of the lot as it is the least dense.  These brushes laundry clean easily as well as keep their shape well.

Quo* expert blush clean (full & travel size)
I understand the pinnacle of blush brushes is the Suqqu Cheek clean however at £85 (approx $162) it’s ridiculously overpriced. I’m a lot more than delighted with the ultra feathery softness of the Quo expert blush Brushes ($40).  They apply blushes perfectly as well as are one of the softest natural bristle brushes that I own.  They’re rather expensive for a drugstore brand however they rival department store brands in terms of high quality – the very best part is, these brushes go on sale for 40% off on a routine basis.
*Quo is the personal label brand of the primary Canadian medication store, buyers medication Mart.

The travel size (which was part of the “In the Spotlight” holiday set from 2011), oddly, has a larger shaped head than the routine full sized – however they both do wonderfully.  One thing I don’t like about these brushes is the handles – they have a rubbery surface like Nars’ packaging, so they cling onto powder as well as look dingy easily.

Hmm, I just realized I didn’t include any type of nail implements – I might go on as well as on however I’ll stop here.  I’m such a appeal tool junkie!

I Tag:
• Gwenan Carter
• auberginereverie
• speaking about Beauty
• Doves as well as Roses
• appeal Isles

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Lash Curlers, Combs as well as MoreIt may not come as a shock toDu som jag konsumerar med lash curlers. Vid en tidpunkt hade jag inte mindre än 20 av dem – jag var slutligen tvungen att ge en gäng bort som inte passade min ögonform. Jag är inte här för att föreslå en Universal Eyelash Curler som kommer i form alla, …
22 maj 2015in “Skönhet”

Back-up som förtjänar föremål som brinner en och många gånger med avvecklade eller begränsade upplaga produkter som jag älskar, fattade jag ett beslut att ta saker i mina egna händer och köpte back-ups av specifika produkter för försäkringsskydd. Här är några produkter jag har oöppnat i min stash: Anna sui dolly kvinna läppstift i …
15 juni 2015in “Skönhet”

Travel Makeup samt Skincare: Cruisingi’m pågår en Medelhavskryssning som kommer upp i veckan såväl som vi kommer att vara borta i 10 dagar. : D Jag vill packa otroligt ljus för den här resan med tanke på att det blir relativt avslappet, såväl som att överväga att vi kommer till varma platser, förväntar jag mig inte att du vill bära lika mycket smink. liksom jag bara har …
14 september, 2016in “Skönhet”

Jag köpte några saker av AliExpress …

Nöjd Groundhog Day! Jag tror att det kommer att bli en tidig vår i år!

Utan ren nyfikenhet lägger jag order för vissa sminktillbehör från AliExpress:

Denna bekostnad mig bara $ 13,97 för alla 7 borstar! (Alla kostnader är i kanadensiska dollar) Jag har önskat att prova de äkta metoderna starka metaller borstar ett tag nu, men på $ 35 för bara den platta konturborsten, kunde jag inte validera inköpet. Det skulle ha bekostnad med mig $ 205 före skatt för alla 7 borstar från den starka metallsamlingen. Jag menar, är inte RT-borstar menade att vara ett billigare alternativ?

Jag hörde om denna bit äggpridning för att hjälpa till med ren rengöring från Christy över på Glam nödvändigheter:

Vid $ 3.42 var det lite dyrare än några andra listor för denna exakta samma produkt, men det var det från exakt samma säljare som RT-borstarna, så för nytta skull, köpte jag just det från den listan.

Och skulle du titta på det här!

Denna enda kostnad $ 1,56 !!! Det är verkligen lik den Mac ovala 6 borsten … när jag får det ska jag göra en sida vid sida jämförelse.

Ett par andra dupe-produkter jag fick testa:

Real Methods Miracle Skin Tone Svamp för $ 0,70, istället för $ 10 som jag betalade för den jag köpte nyligen.

NARS KABUKI ITA CLEAN – det är så skamligt denna rena detaljhandel för $ 67, liksom det är gjort i Kina. Låt oss se exakt hur den här $ 2,74-versionen jämförs!

Och till sist:

Detta var den främsta anledningen till att jag gick på AliExpress till att börja med – jag önskade mycket mer av nailwatching skedar jag hade köpt av ebay innan. De är ca 20% billigare på AliExpress för exakt samma sak. Jag köpte 12 uppsättningar av detta så jag kunde också få bulkprissättningen ($ 2,44 per 32pc set). Denna produkt avgift En fraktkostnad på $ 6,57 på grund av den kvantitet jag beställde (jag utvärderade utcheckningssidan – om jag hade stannat under 4 uppsättningar skulle frakten ha varit gratis. Om jag ville spela systemet, jag Kan ha köpt 3 separata beställningar av 4 uppsättningar men för några dollar har jag inte tid för det!)

AliExpress är företaget till konsumentsidan av Alibaba (Ablibaba är mycket mer B2B, som säljer i bulk) – köpupplevelsen är precis som eBay men utan att budet, vad som bara är “köpa det nu”. Jag förstår människor som har köpt AliExpress med bra resultat. De köpte kläder samt mobiltillbehör men … så jag hoppas att dessa sminktillbehör är anständiga. Jag köpte dessa den 30 januari såväl som frakttiden är citerad för att vara var som helst från 15 till 60 dagar. Även om jag inte riktigt planerar mina inköp, eftersom det kommer så mycket som kinesiska nyår, vilket innebär att många kinesiska företag är stängda under de närmaste 2 veckorna.

Jag var försiktig med att köpa någon typ av faktiska makeupprodukter från AliExpress, eftersom de alla förstår förfalskade. Metropolitan Förfall, Mac, Lorac Tillverkar inte sminkprodukter i Kina – det gör absolut ingen mening att kinesiska fabriker skulle ha dessa “överskott” produkter att sälja. Även inköp av No-Name Makeup från Kina är lite riskabelt – bara som förstår vilka komponenter som finns i dem? Produkterna regleras inte som inköp från en pålitlig källa / varumärke. Men borstarna jag köpte produceras i Kina, så det är lite mer sannolikt att dessa är från de faktiska fabrikerna. So now, we wait as well as see…

Har du köpt något av AliExpress innan?

All product pictures are from their respective product noting page.

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AliExpress clean Dupes: MAC Oval 6I purchased a lot of brushes off AliExpress on January 30th as well as have been patiently waiting on them to be provided for the past couple of months.  Finally, the bundles started dripping in mid-March as well as I got my final parcel last week.  Here is the genuine methods strong Metals set: as well as here…
31 mars 2016in “Skönhet”

Hauluary 2018 – on the internet OrdersThese are an accumulation of on the internet orders from because late December up until now… Some parcels were shipped from regional sources while others came all the method from China as well as Japan. 🙂 • CoverGirl Outlast stay fantastic 3-in-1 foundation in 932 nude beige – $15.49 $9.06 • Cake Milk Made…
22 februari 2018in “Skönhet”

Nars Kabuki Ita clean as well as AliExpress DupeFinally, the publish that numerous of you requested when I got my AliExpress purchase back in March. Here’s the comparison between the Nars Kabuki Ita clean as well as the less expensive knock-off alternative. 😉 • Nars Kabuki Ita clean – C$70 (Sephora) Note: I paid around C$60 for mine about 5 years back -…
August 29, 2016In “Beauty”

PP12: NYX Powder blush in Taupe PB11

happy Halloween! I hope you get sufficiently spooked today as well as likewise eat enough candies for a nice sugar high.

Today’s job pan product is the NYX Powder blush in Taupe #PB11:

It was not by accident that this product is featured today – if you’re in a pinch for ghoulish looking hollowed out cheeks for a costume, perhaps a contouring shade such as this might help!

This is the old version of the NYX Taupe – there is a new version when NYX replaced the whole blush line with the HD Blushes. It was a source of heated discussion when NYX reformulated this specific colour since it’s a much cherished shade. There are great deals of opinions about which version is better: this video shows a comparison between the old versus new versions. She discovered the new one less pink, as well as one more person found the new one warmer, one more person discovered the new formula drier, however yet one more person discovered the new powder to be much smoother.

Not my picture – she discovered the HD powders not to blend as nice as the original. Källa.
Who to believe? Unfortunately, I do not have the new HD one to compare right here for you (maybe one day).  What I do understand is that the original version, the one I own, has a nice awesome undertone for contouring. Remember: contouring products should mimic natural shadows which is greyish in tone.  Bronzers in gerneral are not great for contouring, they’re usually as well orange. You want something with a taupe / grey rather than orange / brown tone.

Both the old as well as new version phone calls this a blush however it’s definitely a contouring colour. NYX now likewise offer a whack of contouring products (including the Highlighting as well as Contouring pro combination which I won from Sandie’s stock giveaway a while back – still requirement to evaluation that!) so I’m not sure why they kept this product as part of the blush collection. Det är förvirrande.

There is a slight sheen to the powder however it’s not shimmery.
This powder applies smoothly – it’s not as well extremely pigmented however I don’t mind since I want the contouring impact to be subtle. It’s extremely simple to blend out so there are no harsh lines.

Of all of the beauty routine “extras” such as highlighting / strobing, bronzing, etc, contouring is the thing I seldom do (I mentioned this in my 7 Deadly Sins Tag!).  I do have naturally high cheekbones (not a boast, just describing my deal with structure) so I don’t requirement to contour. But, since contouring almost daily, I do believe that doing this additional subtle step adds a nice definition to my face.  I’ve been utilizing my reliable Anna Sui deal with clean each time:

Since many of you asked about different contouring brushes in my Nars Kabuki Ita clean post, here’s a lot that I own for comparison.  I categorize contour clean into 2 types:

Flat contour brushes

These are fantastic for producing a directly line, particularly for the hollows of the cheeks.

Ecotools Deluxe fan clean – before the availability of actual flat contour brushes, fan brushes produced a nice soft diffusion of contour colour in the cheek hollows. this is super big as well as has medium density.

Anna Sui deal with clean – my favourite clean for cheek contouring – the perfect mix of firm bristles as well as diffused edges to lay down precise placement as well as to blend.

Everyday Minerals Itahake clean – method as well dense as well as can’t blend worth crap. Makes a harsh line as well as then you’re stuck with it! This clean is slated to be purged.

Nars Kabuki Ita – not worth the money! See my evaluation as well as comparison to a $2 knock off here.

L to R: Anna Sui deal with Brush, Nars Kabuki Ita, Illamasqua clean Up
Illamasqua blush Up clean – it’s the most compact, blunt as well as has the shortest bristles of all the ones I own. This produces a sharp line as well as is truly great for blending out cream products (I own the Illamasqua cream blush in Zygomatic, which is a gorgeous contour shade).

Round contour brushes

These are fantastic for contouring around the forehead, hairline, jawline, etc. I believe these would be as well big for nose contouring – you’re much better off utilizing an eye shadow blending clean for that purpose.

Quo Contour clean – this was my very first contour clean as well as it was fine of what it is. now that I understand better, it’s rather scratchy as well as it sheds a lot.

Charlotte Tilbury Powder & Sculpt clean – the newest addition to my contour clean stash. It’s a bit floppy to do targeted contouring however the directed tip with the bulbous shape is fantastic for diffusing colour. I like it for forehead contouring.  It’s likewise extremely soft so it’s much better served with very pigmented products.

Real methods Contour clean – this doesn’t pick up powder pigment as well well. I only utilize this for high pigment powders – mainly blushes.

MAC 109 little Contour clean- Det är lika trubbigt för exakt placering av kontur, liksom det känns skrapigt på huden. Jag använder detta för pulverformiga rodnader som har låg pigmentering.

Tillbaka till NYX Pulver Blush i Taupe – Jag kommer inte betygsätta det eftersom det inte erbjuds någon typ av mer, men jag gillar verkligen det fantastiska underton som en konturprodukt. Och baserat på vad jag har sett online, skulle jag föreslå att inspektera den nya HD-rodnaden i Taupe. Det är ett överkomligt val för ett konturpulver som inte är lika orange eller aspiskt.

Den är gjord i Kina (P.R.O.C. = Folkrepubliken Kina) som de flesta av NYXs produkter.
I intresse av intresse att försöka använda upp den här produkten för jobbpanna (som om jag någonsin träffar pan på den här saken! Jag har haft det i mer än 5 år och vaffelmönstret har inte ens använt platt Men) Jag har börjat använda detta som en kontur för mina ögonskuggor, blandar sig djupare nyanser i min veck. Det fungerar också otroligt för det ändamålet, men jag har inte gjort en dent i vikten:

Jag är fortfarande skyldig att utnyttja varje enskild produkt i mitt jobb, 5 dagar i veckan för mitt arbete. Jag är inte säker på varför lastpulveret inte ändrade förra veckan!

Vänligen inspektera mina jobbpannor för sina uppdateringar:
• Ingrid av Curly.Spring.Blossom
• Jodi av en brash attityd
• Chanelle av Chanelle Hayleyyy

Konturer du? Vad är din favoritkonturprodukt samt borste?

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Projekt Pan 12 Collab: Höst 2016 EditionHappy Labor Day! Hoppas du njuter av den långa helgen! Och välkommen till en mer collab med Canuck Gang! Vi är när igen, försöker chipa bort på vissa skönhetsprodukter i vår stash. Den här gången väljer vi 12 produkter för att försöka pan / tömma. Längden av detta …
5 september 2016in “Skönhet”

Projekt Pan 12 Collab: Den slutna en legendarisk resa! När jag verkligen gick med på att göra jobbpanna, trodde jag att det skulle bli roligt. Åh exakt hur fel jag var. Det här är den melodi som gick med mitt huvud (sjöng till melodin “den tune som aldrig slutar”): Det här är Collab som aldrig …
30 november 2016in “Skönhet”

Back-up-förtjänta föremål som brinner en såväl många gånger med avvecklade eller begränsade upplagda produkter som jag älskar, bestämde jag mig för att ta saker i mina egna händer och köpte back-ups av specifika produkter för försäkringsskydd. Här är några produkter jag har oöppnat i min stash: Anna sui dolly kvinna läppstift i …
15 juni 2015in “Skönhet”

Salux charm skin fabric

When somebody touches my arm in passing as well as blurts out, “omg your SKIN, it’s SO soft!” I’m a bit embarrassed as well as amazed – I mean, I truly have no frame of recommendation to the degree of skin softness on other people. This invariably leads to said person asking somebody else to touch my skin to confirm that it is indeed SO soft, which leads to petting time at the zoo…

I can’t pinpoint precisely why my skin is “SO soft” however I can characteristic it to a few things:
•  Genetics 60%
•  Skincare products (soaps, shower gels, lotion, body butter) 25%
•  Salux fabric 15%

What is this Salux cloth?  It’s like the cherry on the cake!

I discovered about this product through MakeupAlley product evaluations as well as what fascinated me was that it had a score of 4.8 out of 5.0 with much more than 400 reviews.   That’s unheard of, truly – such a big number of people score a product so highly.  Well, count me among the converted.  Salux fabric is a nylon-polyester abrasive fabric for exfoliating the body – the 2 unique attributes that makes this fabric different than others I’ve tried are:

• Its size: it measures 11″ X 35″ (28cm X 90cm), making it a long rectangle, ideal for scrubbing the back like so:

(such a adorable illustration, this is from the back of the package!)

• Its texture: it’s rather a spiky gritty weave, much more abrasive than other similar cloths I’ve tried.  Warning: if you have sensitive skin, be gentle with exactly how much pressure to utilize – my skin actually tingles for about half an hour after I utilize this cloth.  I would not suggest this for utilize on the face!

As noted on the package, it assists to utilize less soap because it lathers up truly well:

Aside from utilizing it for my back, I lot it up similar to one of the nylon shower puffs to utilize with shower gel or bar soap as well as leaves my skin glowing!  I utilize my Salux fabric on average once to twice a week.

My very first Salux fabric I bought on the internet from the official Salux shop, for $11 USD.  Now I understand better.  I now either purchase them from Oriental markets, where they’re only $5, or other trusted on the internet sources at less than $5.  Don’t accept imitations – I’ve tried a hold of other non-Salux top quality exfoliating clothes as well as they’re not as abrasive or as effective.

Have you utilized the Salux fabric before?  Do you utilize any type of exfoliating cloths in the shower?

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Favourites Lately: Late 2016This year I chose to do quarterly favourites so I’ve had listings for early 2016 (covering January to March) as well as mid-year (covering April to June), as well as now I’m showing my third quarterly favourites to cover July to September: It’s mainly sunny products however a bit bit of autumn is creeping in……
October 26, 2016In “Beauty”

Stash Matters’ preferred things Giveaway!Edit: This giveaway has ended! Vinnarna avslöjas här. 🙂 because it was my Blogiversary yesterday, I chose to hold my very first ever giveaway! 😀 These products are a few of my preferred things – you may have seen me mention these products on the blog or in comments throughout the year. Här är en…
11 januari 2016in “Skönhet”

Beauty product evaluating Guide: technique as well as TerminologyI believed instead of going full heavy steam ahead to evaluation all of my backlogged charm products, I’d take a step back as well as talk about exactly how I evaluation charm products.  It’s something people don’t truly dissect or offer a guide when you begin a charm blog. everybody has their own technique and…
January 30, 2017In “Beauty”

Travel makeup and Skincare: Cruising

I’m going on a Mediterranean cruise coming up this week and we’ll be gone for 10 days. I want to pack very light for this trip because it’ll be fairly casual, and because we’re going to warm places, I don’t anticipate wanting to wear too much makeup.

And I’ve just started the project pan so technically I’m expected to be focused on using those products, so I’ve tried to incorporate a few items on this trip.  I’ll be noting skincare here too.


• MAC pro palette eye shadows in Patina and Romp – out of the 4 that I chose for the project Pan, I chose these 2 are sufficient for what I need. I’m using the 2 pan pro palette that I picked up recently from MAC when I purchased the studio finish concealer.
• Shu Uemura glow On blush in P Soft Orange 540 – this shade can be used on the eyes too. I like how compact these blushes are.

• Anna Sui Dolly girl Lipstick in Natasha 003 – this was featured in my “Back-up worthy Makeup” post. It’s my no-brainer tinted lip balm and it’s really compact for travel too.

• K palette real long lasting liner in Deep Brown
• Shu Uemura brow:sword in Acorn – this is nearly finished and I actually set it aside just so I didn’t use it up before the trip! (this was a project focus item from earlier this year)
• Lancome Khol in love eye liner in 101 chocolate affair – a project pan item.
• Sephora colorful Jumbo liner 12 hr wear in 07 brown – another project pan item (that I evaluated this week), which I will use as a base for the MAC eye shadows, or wear on its own.
• CoverGirl Supersizer Mascara – been using this for the past month and am really enjoying it after I got over the initial learning curve! The wand is a bit floppy but now I can maneuver it without getting mascara all over my lids.

• MAQuillAGE long lasting Powdery UV EX foundation in OC20 – I debated back and forth about bringing this, or my project pan powder, the Cargo HD pressed Powder instead, but this compact foundation is all-in-one and has sunscreen (SPF20) too. This powder made a brief appearance in my Foundation, Powder and Concealer stash but I’ve never had a chance to talk about it – it’s a beautiful compact foundation that offers great coverage. The shade is a tad dark for me but I got it on clearance for $10, it’s fine to use while on vacation.
• Kate Stick Concealer in natural Beige – this is primarily for spot concealing, I have to sheer it out for under the eyes – this is also a project pan item.

Brushes / Tools

3 pieces only!

• Anna Sui Retractable face brush – I carry this around in my makeup bag. It twists up (rather than push up) so it can be for blush or powder. I really need to get a back-up of this.
• MAC 217SH Blending brush – I’m bringing just ONE eye shadow brush with me! and of course it has to be the 217 – it’s a fantastic all-rounder!
• Muji Portable lash curler – this is my go-to travel lash curler now.


• Clinique dramatically different Lotion+ – unlike the skincare that I packed for Japan, I made the decision to not have different moisturizer for day time and night time. This is one of few moisturizers that I find is a great all rounder.
• Elizabeth Arden flawless Future Eye Gel – this will also be my one and only eye cream for the trip – typically I have different ones for night time vs day time.
• Biotherm Biosource Tonifying exfoliating Cleansing Gel

• Garnier SkinActive Micellar Water sensitive Skin (Pink cap) – I’ve been using this for the past couple of months and it’s fantastic, just like all the reviews say! (I’ll decant into the travel bottle)
• Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm – it dawned on me that a cleansing balm travels better than a cleansing oil – I only need a small amount so a small pot is all I need to take with me (decanted from the full size tub).

• MAC pro Eye makeup remover – I received this as a sample when I purchased the MAC finally totally free lipstick (Caitlyn Jenner collab). I’ve not even evaluated this so fingers crossed that it’s good!

• Clarins UV plus SPF 40 Day screen Tint
• ColoreScience Sunforgettable Mineral Sunscreen Brush SPF 50 – this is so useful for on the go touch-ups.
• Jack Black intense therapy Lip Balm SPF 25 in Grapefruit

All the makeup fits into the H&M cosmetic grasp that I got back in January:

It steps 5″ x 7″ and 2″ deep – I like that it has multiple slots for pencils / brushes. And the skincare fits into the smaller mesh pouch that it came with:

Besides doing away with separate day and night skincare, I skipped a separate under eye concealer, serum, facial mist, and toner! some of the items are the same as what I took with me to Japan, like the Anna Sui brush and the MUJI eyelash curler – they’re just ideal travelling companions.  And I’ve managed to bring 4 of the 12 project pan items with me.

Ok, now tell me that I’m crazy and I need to bring at least another lipstick.

Update on that thing…

Many of you expressed interest in the skin issues on my legsthat I discussed in my August happiness Highlights post, and I have an update. yesterday I went back to the dermatologist for the biopsy results and here is the analysis verbatim:

This biopsy shows popular edema in the papillary dermis with focal exocytosis of lymphocytes. There is a dense lymphoeosinophilic infiltrate in the superficial and deep dermis which extends to the subcutaneous tissue. The appearance is compatible with insect bite reaction. In this biopsy the number of eosinophils is incredibly popular and there are some flame shaped figures. Eosinophilic cellulitis is considered in the differential diagnosis.

I had to google many of the words in that analysis. So, essentially it’s one of 2 things:
• reaction to a bug bite
• Wells Syndrome (Eosinophilic cellulitis)

Note that the 2 possibilities are not mutually exclusive – the bug bites could have triggered the Wells Syndrome.  What the heck is Wells Syndrome? The dermatologist gave me a print-out off this site which says:

Wells syndrome is a rare condition of unknown cause.

Oh that’s just great! And it’s incredibly rare – only 80 cases have been reported worldwide! What next? The fact that the spots are still recurring without the discovery of any bed bugs, he ordered a bunch of blood tests and urine sample, to 1) confirm whether it is Wells Syndrome 2) guideline out parasitic disorders – the doctor discussed something about some risk in eating sushi in Japan because they don’t freeze their fish like we do in North America. Hrm! They scheduled a follow-up appointment for early October! In the meantime, I just continue with my topical cortisone ointment. *sigh* I recommended that I was going on getaway and it’s no issue at all… “Have a great vacation!” Han sa.

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Project pan 12: Anna Sui eyebrow color Compact in Ash BrownI’m playing catch-up this week with my project pan updates because I was delinquent while on vacation! I’ll do 2 products this week and 2 next week to get caught up with the rest of the PP12 crew! If you don’t remember what project pan is, here’s a refresher (I’ve…
October 3, 2016In “Beauty”

What I’m Bringing to Japan (Travel Makeup)I’m a very light packer when it concerns makeup during vacation. I’ve learned over the years that I end up not using at least half of what I pack when I give myself too numerous options. While on holidays, I essentially stick to one makeup look.  Here’s my makeup…
May 19, 2016In “Beauty”

Projekt Pan 12 Collab: Höst 2016 EditionHappy Labor Day! Hoppas du njuter av den långa helgen! Och välkommen till en annan collab med Canuck Gang! We are once again, trying to chip away at some charm products in our stash. Den här gången väljer vi 12 objekt att försöka pan / tömma. Längden av detta …
5 september 2016in “Skönhet”

Söndagar med flikar katten, smink och överklagande Blog Mascot, vol. 696


Hörde du det…? Det var djungelns samtal, ett samtal som flikar svarade ganska ofta.


Till de otrevliga passerbyen kan flikar ha sett ut som en vanlig gammal housecat, men inuti hade han hjärtat av ett lejon. Han fancied sig som kungen av djungeln.

Det fanns några händelser – vissa kan kalla dem skirmishes – där han hade en maktspel med en lejon eller två på set, men tack och lov på grund av mina anmärkningsvärda förhandlingsförmåga kunde jag ta saker ner några hakar och inga extremiteter eller klor var förlorade.

Bara så du vet, att arbeta med de stora katterna i det vilda kommer att göra en kvinna ur dig! Jag blev för alltid ändrad, särskilt med scuffle han hade med en cheetah under en Mac-kampanj … Jag har fortfarande alla mina fingrar, ja!


Jag har försökt inspirera Rosie att släppa lös hennes inre djungelkatt, så idag satte jag henne i en trendig cheetah-krage med en komplementär blomma och några löv eftersom hon är en girly-tjej trots allt.


Jag förväntade mig klorna, några bråkar här och där, kanske några grumlar, men i stället ville hon överväga det förändrade landskapet runt henne. Våren börjar visa runt dessa delar, och du känner till Rosie; Hon har flera vetenskapliga experiment som går i huvudet vid ett visst ögonblick.

Din vänliga grannskapsberoende missbrukare,


Tony Moly Pocket Bunny moist mist

I got this cute little facial mist in January from a local Korean market.

The TonyMoly Pocket Bunny moist mist cost me $14 for 60ml from a bricks & mortar store but I’ve seen it being sold for around $8 online.

First thing: the bottle is a-DOR-a-ble!

I feel horrible whenever I use this, I have to decapitate the poor bunny.

Tony Moly recently revamped the facial mist bottle design, I kind of regret not getting it when the design was this:

How cute is that?! It’s a little bunny suit instead of an actual bunny. I don’t know why, but I find animals dressed up as other animals just the cutest!

Jag avviker. Secondly, the bottle came just shrink wrapped – no box or sticker with the ingredient list:

Here’s what I could find online (thanks to Ulta!):

Water, Alcohol Denat., Glycerin, Butylene Glycol, Glycereth-26, Dipropylene Glycol, PEG / PPG-17 / 6 Copolymer, Phenoxyethanol, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Methylparaben, Arginine, Fragrance, Carbomer, Disodium EDTA, Sodium Polyacrylate, Propylene Glycol, PVM / MA Copolymer, Propylparaben, Aloe Barbadensis leaf Extract, Fragaria Chiloensis (Strawberry) Fruit Extract, Prunus Persica (Peach) Fruit Extract, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Extract, Actinidia Chinensis (Kiwi) Fruit Extract, Ananas Sativus (Pineapple) Fruit Extract, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Fruit Extract, Vaccinium Macrocarpon (Cranberry) Fruit Extract, Rubus Idaeus (Raspberry) Fruit Extract, Vaccinium Angustifolium (Blueberry) Fruit Extract, Rubus Fruticosus (Blackberry) Fruit Extract, Butylparaben, Ethylparaben, Isobutylparaben.

According to COSDNA, a few of the ingredients in this product could be irritating to skin, including PEG-60 hydrogenated castor oil, alcohol denat, fragrance and the preservatives – so be aware of that.

So while the packaging is all cute – I don’t find the ingredient list too impressive – it’s a long laundry list of stuff but nothing impressive (glycerin and aloe are the only 2 items I’m liking). and I’m doubtful about all the fruit extracts. This mist is indicated for dry skin but I didn’t find it too hydrating considering that the 2nd ingredient is alcohol.  I usually use this underneath my serum in the mornings, but I have also tried it on top of makeup to freshen – this mist is really a nothing type of product for me.  [For the record, I know that I seem to be really extreme on facial mists – my much-loved facial mist is the Sukin Hydrating mist Toner (10/10 rating!) so I gauge everything against that.]

Not a total loss, I thought. I can repurpose the cute spray bottle!  Sadly though, the spray nozzle on this kind of sucks!  It spits out the mist like a vengeful llama.  *ptooey*

Also, for some reason the cap on mine has cracks in 2 places already. I don’t recall ever dropping it.

Tony Moly uses another version of the facial mist, called the sleek Mist, aimed for oilier skin type – not sure why that bunny has such a severe face:

At the bottom of the bottle is stamped the date of manufacture:

Note that the majority of Asian cosmetics stamp the manufacture date rather than expiry date. I like that considering that I can do my own math!

• Doesn’t leave a sticky film
• ganska billigt
• cute bottle design

• Not too hydrating
• Inclusion of potentially irritating ingredients
• Spray nozzle doesn’t mist product finely or evenly

Stash worthiness: 5/10

Here’s a shot of the Tony Moly bottle beside 2 other facial mists that I’ll be trying out soon: the Clinique moisture surge and the Body shop Vitamin E:

So the Tony Moly moist Mist was a bust for me – at least it wasn’t expensive. I’ll be using it up but will not repurchase. Har du provat det? What’s your much-loved facial mist?

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